
Kickstart: The Future of Jobs

  • R, Data Visualization, Machine Learning
  • 29 August, 2017
  • Time: 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm
  • 50 participants
  • Difficulty: Public (no coding sessions)


Event details:

Have you ever thought about the future of your career? Or are you in the stage of deciding which job to pursue? Benson Kawengian (Founder & CEO Urbanhire) and Irzan Raditya (Co-Founder & CEO Kata.ai) are going to talk about the future of jobs.

This event will cover topics about the trends of hiring, effects of job redundancy, the great company culture, labor cost decreasing due to automation/machine learning, future-proof the workforce, and many more.

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. (Bill Gates)



  • Panel Discussion

    13:30 – 15:30

Event is free of charge


  • Benson

  • Irzan

  • Samuel

Benson Kawengian

Irzan Raditya

Samuel Chan

Kickstart Series

An introductory workshop for aspiring data scientists and entrepreneurs

Workshops in our KICKSTART series are tailored to casual programmers and non-programmers that are taking their first steps into data science. It assumes no prior knowledge or academic background, and attendees will be introduced to the beautiful art of writing R / Python code to produce data visualization and simple regression models.

Note: Workshops in the KICKSTART series follow a structured course, and re-use many of previous materials from earlier KICKSTART workshops. If you have attended a KICKSTART data science workshop in the past and would like to be exposed to more intermediate-level data science education materials, consider signing up for an Algoritma Membership or attend our Data Science Fundamentals workshops (3-day)

You can obtain a free entry to all our KICKSTART series workshops with an active membership.

3x Complimentary Student’s Pass

Studying mathematics, statistics, or a math-related field in a local university? Stand a chance to receive a complimentary student pass by sending us an email. Members of our staff will reach out to verify your scholarship.

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