Data Science Intermediate
This intermediate-level workshop is designed to help you master regression models and a closely related concept, generalized linear models. Regression models has been called the “workhorse” of data science, and often is the first tool of choice for any machine learning task. Students will learn to fit, interpret and examine simple and multiple linear regression models as we build regression models modeled after real-life business cases.
The course will take the student beyond fitting a regression line and interpreting our regression coefficients. We’ll discuss concepts such as confounding variables, and using various diagnostic tools to evaluate our models. Student will also replicate notable case studies and observe how linear methods are equally, if not more, successful at performing complex machine learning tasks than many of the newer AI technologies.
Data is the new oil? No: Data is the new soil. ~ David McCandless
Date to be advised
Syllabus: Data Science Intermediate (I)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
This workshop will cost 3 workshop credits for subscribers. Non-subscribers are welcomed to participate at a cost of IDR3,000,000.
Workshops in our Data Science Intermediate series are tailored to R programmers that are taking their first steps into data science and machine learning.
Students are assumed to have a working knowledge of R and ideally some proficiency in statistics / mathematics / algebra. Consider taking our Data Science Fundamentals workshops instead if you have no prior programming experience or statistics knowledge:
Students work through tons of real-life examples using sample datasets donated by our team of mentors and corporate partners. We believe in a learn-by-building approach, and we employ instructors who are uncompromisingly passionate about your growth and education.