
GO-DEALS Voucher Redemption

Terima kasih telah membeli voucher Kickstart Series Algoritma di GO-DEALS.

Jika ada pertanyaan atau bantuan, silahkan email kami di community@algorit.ma atau WhatsApp kami di +62-813-1927-2723.

Hi there! Thank you for buying Algoritma’s Kickstart Series voucher on GO-DEALS.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please email us at community@algorit.ma or WhatsApp us +62-813-1927-2723.

Kickstart Series

KICKSTART series is a collection of 3-4 hours introductory seminar for professionals who are curious about what data science is and how it impacts their career and company. The workshop comes with a code-along session for those who would like to experience writing their first lines of codes in data science, or want to learn the beautiful art of data visualization and machine learning by building.


Algoritma Data Science Education Center offers a variety of short-duration data science workshops and boot camps that will help kick-start your career in one of the most sought-after professions today.

We are founded with the purpose of making data science accessible to everybody. Our workshops aim to equip every professional with a set of core skills across the various domains of data visualization, regression, machine learning, predictive modeling, and statistical programming literacy.

No matter what profession or field you are currently in, you can utilize data science to perform tasks and solve problems more efficiently and effectively.