

Online Data Science Series

  • Schedule

    27 – 30 July & 1 August 2020 (5 Days)

    18.30 – 21.30 (3 hours / day)

  • Venue

    Via Zoom

The first 2 days of this workshop is a free session that you can attend without any fee or commitment.



The last 3 days of this workshop is when you put together everything you learn for the first 2 days and deploy it as a web application. By registering for this 3 days session, you will automatically be registered to the first 2 days.


IDR 550.000


Course Summary

Build and deploy a real-time analytics dashboard (optionally with your custom sub-domain, for free) with this multi-part lesson. The course will walk you through the process of cleaning data, creating highly compelling data visualizations, and then combining them with a web app framework that is pleasant and visually appealing. By the end of this course, you will have a web dashboard that is deployed and accessible on the web by anyone, on any devices (responsive web design).

NOTES: This workshop will be delivered in English.


  • Learn to develop a modern, reactive web application using R and the Shiny Web App framework
  • Learn to use one of the most popular, powerful data visualization library (ggplot) to create compelling visuals on the web
  • Learn to take advantage of modern web development practices such as Bootstrap 4, responsive web design, and UX thinking
  • Learn how a framework like Shiny allows you to author your application by transforming your R code into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Learners are expected to develop their own dashboard and deploy to the free shinyapps.io hosting service.


An introduction to plotting in R, and how data scientists can benefit from a rich “grammar” for data visualization.

A series of techniques for practical data manipulation, data cleansing, and data transformation in R (collectively called “data preprocessing”)

Learn the design principles behind Shiny, a popular web app framework among R developers and data scientists

Take your web dashboard “Live” after adding some CSS and JavaScript polish, courtesy of external libraries that integrate well with Shiny.


This testimonial video is taken after our previous Online Data Science Series: Time Series Analysis for Business Forecasting.


Samuel chan

Your Instructor

An  RStudio-certified instructor and machine learning practitioner in the field of marketing automation, fraud detection, finance and e-commerce.  Samuel is Indonesia’s top-ranked Stack Overflow user in R (top 5% worldwide) for three years running, and boasts certifications from RStudio, Microsoft, MongoDB, Neo4J Database, Stanford University, John Hopkins University, among others.

Prior to Algoritma, he has 8 years of working experience, including a stint as in-house consultant to several public-trading companies from his time staying in China, Japan and Singapore. He is today an active trainer and consultant for various companies in the financial industry. He has guest lectured in various campuses: Binus, NUS (National University of Singapore)’s The Logistics Institute, University of Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Binus, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), Telkom University etc. Courses he authored are offered also in Singapore through Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Samuel is also among the first recipients of Microsoft Professional Program Certificate in Data Science in Southeast Asia, having demonstrated proficiency in R, Python, Microsoft Azure, SQL / T-SQL, PowerBI and a list of other technologies, and among the first to be certified in RStudio’s program. Technical committee member and competition judge on Finhacks 2018, the largest Machine Learning competition of the year organized by PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA) and DailySocial.

Online Data Science Series

Workshops in our Online Data Science Series are tailored to casual learners, working professionals, and non-programmers that are taking their first steps into data science and machine learning.

Students are not assumed to have a working knowledge of R or prior proficiency in statistics/mathematics/algebra. At such the workshop follows a gentle learning curve and emphasize on hands-on, one-to-one tutoring from our team of instructors and teaching assistants

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can still attend the workshop as it is a beginner-friendly workshop.

Our system will send you an email containing a link and details to join a Google Classroom.

Online learning will be conducted via Zoom.us, Link to join the Zoom Class will be announced via Google Classroom.

Learning materials can be obtain via Google Classroom

Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Workshop Receivables:

  • Workshop Lecturer’s Notes

    Including 2x Course Books (PDF), HTML files, course transcripts (if any).

  • Highly-accelerated Learning

    Learn under the assistance of mentorship of our lead instructor and a band of qualified teaching assistants throughout the 5-day course.


    Show current and prospective employers that you’ve completed the course with a signed certificate of completion.

  • Supplement Materials

    Receive supplement datasets to practice on, reference notes, working files (R Notebook or Jupyter Notebook), and other materials that will help you master the topics.