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PT. Algoritma Data Indonesia.
RDTX Square, 9th Floor. Setiabudi, DKI Jakarta 12930.
Office: 0816-692-471
In the 2020 assessment, the WEF ranked Indonesia 91st among 115 countries on energy-transition readiness and 58th on energy-system performance, defining the country’s outlook as “potentially challenged.” The Energy Sector in Indonesia is under constant development, especially in the Oil & Gas area.
According to BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik), August’s oil and gas imports rose 14.74 percent to US$2.05 billion monthly and by 115.75 percent year-on-year (YoY). One area of innovations that can significantly improve the country’s oil & gas industry performance is in big data & analytics. By implementing predictive analytics techniques in the industry, Stakeholders can better manage and effectively use their resources, control energy flows, regulate the grid, optimize work, and avoid mistakes that may incur significant losses towards their business.
Starting an analytics project would require substantial financial investment and human capital expertise, especially in the oil & gas sector. In this session, our speakers will share the secrets to start a successful analytics project in the industry.