SQL Query and Capstone Project
Create compelling data visualization using SQL and Pandas.
This 15-hour course guides student in using Python’s grammar of graphic for data visualization. We will also cover important data analytics stack: SQL and how to integrate it to Python. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to gain proficiency for an end to end process for data analysis using Python.
Syllabus: SQL Query and Capstone Project
Use a music store’s operations database to query all sales relating to particular artists or albums. Using the relational schema of the database, we will learn how to query invoice data from the database in order to analyze the store’s top valuable customers. We will also apply the visualization techniques we have learned to produce an accompanying chart for the analysis.
After understanding the importance of data analysis and master its processing steps, we will model an end-to-end data analysis process, from upstream to downstream. Students can choose one amongst four provided skeletons as their final data analysis product; from creating an automated generated email with fire, a simple web analytics dashboard with Flask, a simple API from Heroku Server, or web scraping with Beautiful Soup.
The Data Analytics Specialization is a 4-week bundle that is curated to accelerate a student’s mastery in building data products, develop a web application, and data visualization.
Students are not assumed to have a working knowledge of Python or prior proficiency in statistics/mathematics/algebra. As such the workshop follows a gentle learning curve and emphasizes hands-on, one-to-one tutoring from our team of instructors and teaching assistants.
Students work through tons of real-life examples using sample datasets donated by our team of mentors and corporate partners. We believe in a learn-by-building approach, and we employ instructors who are uncompromisingly passionate about your growth and education.
This course is part of the Algoritma Data Analytics Specialization. Participants are rewarded with a certificate of completion upon passing criteria.