


Materials and Notes


  • Know-your-neighbors

    Registration and Networking

    09:00 – 09:30

  • Introduction to Data Science

    Session by Sapto W. Indratno

    09:30 – 10:15

  • Data Science in E-Commerce

    Session by Reza Briantoro

    10:20 – 11:05

  • Code-Along Session

    Different Data Science case studies, Building AI, Data Visualization, & Data Science Career Path

    11:05 – 12:00

  • Data science in the Workplace

    Inspiring enthusiasm in your workplace through high-impact projects

    20:15 – 21:00

Instructor Notes

Thank you to all attendees of Kickstart Series: What’s Hot in Data Science for making it an interactive and fun session! I hope you learned some new insights and start applying it in your professional works.

We would like to also thank you Pedals.id and Makers Institute for supporting us and making this workshop more successful. This is our first time having a workshop in Bandung and we would like to thank you again for the awesome crowd.

Feel free to download the materials used and presented in the session. The folder contains the PDF, and raw data presented in the workshop.

Keep learning!

– Iffa

Terima kasih peserta Kickstart Series: What’s Hot in Data Science! Semoga kamu mendapatkan banyak informasi baru dan bisa mulai mencoba menggunakan R di dalam pekerjaan professional kamu.

Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Pedals.id dan Makers Institute yang telah mendukung kami dan membuat workshop kami lebih sukses. Acara ini adalah workshop Algoritma yang pertama kali diadakan di Bandung. Sekali lagi, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para peserta yang telah berpartisipasi dalam acara ini dengan antusias.

Kamu bisa mengunduh materi dan presentasi yang kami berikan dalam workshop tersebut. Folder ini berisi file PDF yang kami tampilkan dalam workshop.

Keep learning!

– Iffa