Gentle Introduction to Developing Modern Web Apps in R & Python
Learn to productionize your data science work by picking up complementary skills in web application development
Course Summary
The workshop aims to provide a beginner-friendly introduction to packaging your data science work into a user-friendly, modernly-themed web analytics application.
Corporate consultant and course producer Samuel Chan has worked for a number of public-listed company prior to his role at Algoritma. His involvement has always heavily centered around product development, from building chatbots for companies to developing cloud-based products. In this workshop, he will walk us through his favorite tools, workflow, and productivity tips:
- Recommendations on productionizing R code
- The Shiny framework for data scientists
- Using Python’s web frameworks for application development
- TensorFlow as a web service
- Cloud deployment options for R- or Python-based applications
- Production concerns: security, uptime, and continuous integration
- Productivity tools for real-life data science: Git, IDE extensions, Virtual Environments vs Docker